Person Percy A. Knolle

Prof. Dr. Percy A. Knolle
Percy A. Knolle, MD, b. Oct. 29.1962, married, two children
Current Position
Professor of Molecular Immunology
Director, Institute of Molecular Immunology, School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich
2023 - now Member of the Board of Directors, Center for Infection Prevention, TUM
2013 - now (Founding) Director, Institute of Molecular Immunology, School of Medicine & Health as well as School of Life Science, TUM
2002 - 2012 (Founding) Director, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology, University of Bonn
1997 - 2001 Group Leader, Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH)
1991 - 1997 Research Associate and Intern, 1st Department of Medicine, University Hospital of Mainz
1990 - 1991 Postdoctoral Fellow, Bioresearch Branch BASF, Cambridge/Boston, MA, US
1988 - 1991 Doctoral Researcher German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
2000 Habilitation in Experimental Medicine, University of Heidelberg
1997 Qualification as Specialist of Internal Medicine
1991 MD at the University of Heidelberg
1982 - 88 Studies of Medicine at the Universities of Frankfurt, Birmingham (UK), Strasbourg and Geneva.
2000 Award of the Volkswagen Foundation
1984 - 1988 Funding by the German Scholarship Foundation
Key publications
- Limmer A, Ohl J, Kurts C, Ljunggren HG, Reiss Y, Groettrup M, Momburg F, Arnold B, Knolle PA. Efficient presentation of exogenous antigen by liver endothelial cells to CD8+ T cells results in antigen-specific T-cell tolerance. Nat Med 2000, 6: 1348-1354.
- Breiner KM, Schaller H, Knolle PA. Endothelial cell-mediated uptake of a hepatitis B virus: a new concept of liver targeting of hepatotropic microorganisms. Hepatology 2001, 34: 803-808.
- Burgdorf S, Kautz A, Bohnert V, Knolle PA, Kurts C. Distinct pathways of antigen uptake and intracellular routing in CD4 and CD8 T cell activation. Science 2007, 316: 612-616.
- Abdullah Z, Schlee M, Roth S, Mraheil MA, Barchet W, Bottcher J, Hain T, Geiger S, Hayakawa Y, Fritz JH, Civril F, Hopfner KP, Kurts C, Ruland J, Hartmann G, Chakraborty T, Knolle PA. RIG-I detects infection with live Listeria by sensing secreted bacterial nucleic acids. The EMBO journal 2012, 31: 4153-4164. https://doi.org:10.1038/emboj.2012.274
- Huang LR, Wohlleber D, Reisinger F, Jenne CN, Cheng RL, Abdullah Z, Schildberg FA, Odenthal M, Dienes HP, van Rooijen N, Schmitt E, Garbi N, Croft M, Kurts C, Kubes P, Protzer U, Heikenwalder M, Knolle PA. Intrahepatic myeloid-cell aggregates enable local proliferation of CD8(+) T cells and successful immunotherapy against chronic viral liver infection. Nat Immunol 2013, 14: 574-583. https://doi.org:10.1038/ni.2573
- Beyer M, Abdullah Z, Chemnitz JM, Maisel D, Sander J, Lehmann C, Thabet Y, Shinde PV, Schmidleithner L, Kohne M, Trebicka J, Schierwagen R, Hofmann A, Popov A, Lang KS, Oxenius A, Buch T, Kurts C, Heikenwalder M, Fatkenheuer G, Lang PA, Hartmann P, Knolle PA, Schultze JL. Tumor-necrosis factor impairs CD4(+) T cell-mediated immunological control in chronic viral infection. Nat Immunol 2016, 17: 593-603. https://doi.org:10.1038/ni.3399
- Hackstein CP, Assmus LM, Welz M, Klein S, Schwandt T, Schultze J, Forster I, Gondorf F, Beyer M, Kroy D, Kurts C, Trebicka J, Kastenmuller W, Knolle PA, Abdullah Z. Gut microbial translocation corrupts myeloid cell function to control bacterial infection during liver cirrhosis. Gut 2017, 66: 507-518. https://doi.org:10.1136/gutjnl-2015-311224
- Dudek M, Pfister D, Donakonda S, Filpe P, Schneider A, Laschinger M, Hartmann D, Huser N, Meiser P, Bayerl F, Inverso D, Wigger J, Sebode M, Ollinger R, Rad R, Hegenbarth S, Anton M, Guillot A, Bowman A, Heide D, Muller F, Ramadori P, Leone V, Garcia-Caceres C, Gruber T, Seifert G, Kabat AM, Malm JP, Reider S, Effenberger M, Roth S, Billeter AT, Muller-Stich B, Pearce EJ, Koch-Nolte F, Kaser R, Tilg H, Thimme R, Bottler T, Tacke F, Dufour JF, Haller D, Murray PJ, Heeren R, Zehn D, Bottcher JP, Heikenwalder M, Knolle PA. Auto-aggressive CXCR6(+) CD8 T cells cause liver immune pathology in NASH. Nature 2021, 592: 444-449. https://doi.org:10.1038/s41586-021-03233-8
- Koerber N, Priller A, Yazici S, Bauer T, Cheng CC, Mijočević H, Wintersteller H, Jeske S, Vogel E, Feuerherd M, Tinnefeld K, Winter C, Ruland J, Gerhard M, Haller B, Christa C, Zelger O, Roggendorf H, Halle M, Erber J, Lingor P, Keppler O, Zehn D, Protzer U, Knolle PA. Dynamics of spike-and nucleocapsid specific immunity during long-term follow-up and vaccination of SARS-CoV-2 convalescents. Nat Commun 2022, 13: 153. https://doi.org:10.1038/s41467-021-27649-y
- Wratil PR, Stern M, Priller A, Willmann A, Almanzar G, Vogel E, Feuerherd M, Cheng C-C, Yazici S, Christa C, Jeske S, Lupoli G, Vogt T, Albanese M, Mejías-Pérez E, Bauernfried S, Graf N, Mijocevic H, Vu M, Tinnefeld K, Wettengel J, Hoffmann D, Muenchhoff M, Daechert C, Mairhofer H, Krebs S, Fingerle V, Graf A, Steininger P, Blum H, Hornung V, Liebl B, Überla K, Prelog M, Knolle P, Keppler OT, Protzer U. Three exposures to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 by either infection or vaccination elicit superior neutralizing immunity to all variants of concern. Nature medicine 2022, 28: 496-503. https://doi.org:10.1038/s41591-022-01715-4